Broken Crayon Still Color – Kinjal Parekh


“Broken Crayon Still Color”
These 4 words speaks up so much! Sometimes…infact most of the time, the minute you have failed to achieve what you want, the moment when you give up on yourself, your goals, your ambitions. You may think that you can’t get right up. Well, then here is the thing that you will have to keep in your mind. These four ordinary words do have a real deep meaning. Imagine yourself as a crayon! You might get broken but yet you’ll be able to draw a colorful image. Do not doubt yourself. One day soon you are going to be A Success!
There is really something great in these words. “Broken Crayon Still Color” This has got such a deep meaning.

I love it how just few words easily communicate thousands of them sweetly, don’t you?


  1. Powerful reflections here KinjalParekh! I will share this broken crayon story with my daughters.
    (By the way, thanks for taking the time to like my reblog at SuccessInspirers’World.
    I do appreciate it,

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    1. Thankyou soo much!! This really means a lot LynDurante! Keep writing and inspiring. Sending love to You and your entire family and a tight hug too, to your daughter. Thanks for stopping by ๐Ÿ™‚

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