Rise & Shine! – Kinjal Parekh


We sometimes think who exactly we are? Where exactly we stand? Why are we here? And a chaos starts within.
I am incredibly grateful for everything that I have learned and where I am today. But along the way…it has also been hard work, work of tackling our own emotions. We learned. We opened our heart to many new people, new concepts, new experiences.
We realised that there is a magic in the zone just outside the comfort zone. We learned to be helpful even when we didn’t want to be. That’s how a human heart should be, shouldn’t it? Knowing we are always safe & supported allows us to go wherever we want to. Allow yourself to see the truth and let go things that isn’t you. Learn to trust. Recognise that voice inside you. I have learned that feeling the hardest stuff is the definition of bravery and coming out of it is a reward to yourself.
Sometimes when we are in a dark place, we feel like we are buried and predict it as the end. But actually, we might have been planted!
Everything in life gives us a chance to learn and be a better person. So don’t allow it to discourage you, instead use it to make you wiser.

And after all these openhearted, hard work, vulnerable stretching way my comfort zone – What exactly have i found?
Well, I guess…what i have found inside myself is ME. Sometimes conflicted, often awkward…far from Perfect.
But above all that, A Quite Happy Me
The Original Me. Who wants to believe that one day things are going to turn out exactly the way I planned. 🙂

Always ask yourself:
What can I learn from this?
What is life trying to teach me?
And then watch yourself rising from the ground just like a skyscraper.



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